Eberts Training Field (Lonoke, Arkansas)
Eberts Training Field was established near Lonoke in 1917 and was a leading training center for aviators during World War I. Cadets started to arrive in March of 1918, but the war ended in November of 1918 before the first graduating class made it through the program.

Eberts Training Field, Lonoke, Arkansas, circa 1918.
MSS 05-14 Dave Wallis Papers, Series III, Subsereis I, Box 9, Item 20

Hangar 7, Eberts Training Field, Lonoke, Arkansas, circa 1918.
MSS 05-14 Dave Wallis Papers, Series III, Subseries I, Box 9, Item 26

Eberts Training Field, Lonoke, Arkansas, circa 1918.
MSS 05-14 Dave Wallis Papers, Series III, Subseries I, Box 9, Item 28

11 men posed as a musical group with make-shift insturments in the barracks of Squadron Q, Eberts Training Field, Lonoke, Arkansas, circa 1918.
The numbered men are identified as 1)Tom Bragle, 2)McDonald, 3)Strominger, 4)Smith, 5)Penn, 6)Baker, 7)Jordan, 8)Carrick, 9)Unidentified, 10)Garstner, 11)Smith.
MSS 05-14 Dave Wallis Papers, Series III, Subseries I, Box 9, Item 41
For more information about Eberts Training Field visit the Encyclopedia of Arkansas or come to the research room in the Arkansas Studies Institute to view documents and photographs from the Dave Wallis Papers (MSS 05-14). The above photos are only a selection of what is available in the collection. You can view the complete finding aid for the Dave Wallis Papers here.
Note: Most photos on this blog are low resolution scans. Visit the Butler Center to see the original photos or contact us to inquire about getting your own high resolution copies.
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