Event: Dedication of Count Pulaski Way
A dedication ceremony for Count Pulaski Way is set for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23 at the Concordia Museum, 409 President Clinton Avenue, in the Arkansas Studies Institute on the Central Arkansas Library System’s (CALS) Main Library campus. Count Pulaski Way includes the Carl and Lorene Martin Plaza and a walking mural of the Lower Arkansas River Valley.
Four stone columns make up the Carl and Lorene Martin Plaza. The columns were part of the original Carnegie Library but were removed and considered scrap when the library moved to the Louisiana St. location. Mr. Martin recovered the columns from their original site. Dr. Bobby Roberts, CALS Director, located the columns and brought them back to be part of the Main Library landscape.
The Lower Arkansas River Valley Walking Map is a 200 feet mural that depicts the geology, flora, fauna, and cultural history of this important stretch of land around the Arkansas River. Over ten artists worked on the Lower Arkansas River Valley Walking map. These artists include professionals and students who were led by Steven Ochs, a specialist in public art and designer of the mural.
Count Pulaski Way is named in honor of Count Casimir Pulaski, for whom Pulaski County is named. Serving both automobiles and pedestrians, the Way consists of a rebuilt portion of Rock Street that is reminiscent of early stone roads; the Lower Arkansas River Valley Walking Map; and two alleys. The Way was partially funded by Pulaski County through the support of County Judge Floyd G. "Buddy" Villines and the Pulaski County Quorum Court.
The groundbreaking is open to the public. For more information contact Susan Hill Gele at 918-3086.
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