Donald E. Bethune Korean War Collection
Born: March 27, 1931, in Paris, Arkansas
Died: March 28, 2008
Korean War Service: 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1950
Donald Elbert Bethune was born in Paris, Arkansas in 1931. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in Houston, Texas in 1947 at the age of seventeen and was stationed in China for eighteen months. Bethune served in the Korean War for approximately two months beginning in July of 1950 with the 2nd Battalion of the 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division. His general duties included that of a M-1 Rifle Sharp Shooter and Carbine Marksman. He participated in the Inchon Landing and subsequent recapture of Seoul where he was wounded on September 23, 1950. He returned to the United States after his injury. Following his service in the Korean War, Bethune remained in the Marines until his retirement in 1968, a total of twenty-two years. Bethune passed away on March 28, 2008.

The Bethune Collection is a small collection and does not contain an interview, as Donald Bethune passed away before the start of this project. The collection contains our Veteran’s Questionnaire (completed by his widow), a newspaper clipping related to his Korean War service, and four photographs.

Click here to view the complete finding aid. View photographs available online here and documents available online here.
Contributed by Stephanie Bayless, Manuscripts Department.
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