Monday, May 24, 2010

Recap of the Korean War Conference

This past weekend’s conference, Arkansas in the Forgotten War: The Korean War Remembered, was an outstanding success with five sessions and 95 attendees.

Dr. Roger Pauly from the University of Central Arkansas started off the day with an informative talk on the Korean War’s place in history.

Steve Rucker, Director of the Arkansas National Guard Museum, recounted the Korean War service of the Arkansas National Guard.

Dr. James I. Matray, a leading Korean War scholar from California State University, Chico, delivered a wonderful keynote speech followed by a lively question and answer period.

Three Arkansas veterans—Perry Whitmore, Henry Rector, Richard Homard—shared their personal experiences with a captivated audience.

The day ended with the world premiere of Uncle Sam Desired Our Presence: Arkansans in the Korean War, a documentary produced by Butler Center Staff using photographs and oral history interviews from FORGOTTEN: The Arkansas Korean War Project. Copies of the documentary can be ordered from the Butler Center for $15.


Anonymous,  May 24, 2010 at 8:15 PM  

Wouldn't have missed it! Outstanding work you guys.

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