Update: Korean War Project
FORGOTTEN: The Arkansas Korean War Project kicked off last month and is turning out to be a great success. The Butler Center has been in contact with a number of veterans who have been willing to talk with us about their experiences, fill out our veteran questionnaire, donate items, and connect us with other veterans. Eventually, all of the items will be processed into separate collections for each veteran (i.e. "Joe Smith Korean War Collection"). The complete collections will be available for researchers here in the Butler Center with a limited selection available in our digitial collections.
So far, three oral history interviews have been conducted, with more in the works as you read this.
Here are just a few of the images donated to FORGOTTEN: The Arkansas Korean War Project.

If you would like to participate in our project or know someone who might be interested contact us by phone 501.918.3056 or email brianr@cals.org.
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